Wild Dogs

Wild dogs are chasing me like mad. It’s like they’re on a rampage with they’re red eyes and growling teeth. They are barking loudly. I run behind a tree and climb it sneakily. They can smell me. I’m scared. I wish I knew how to make a signal with a rubber and a pencil? It’s getting dark. I cried, “Someone please help me.”

(Twelve hours later) It’s getting lighter. They are still there. I can see their ugly yellow teeth. Their teeth are so sharp it is like their teeth are made out of nails. I see the dogs dribbling on a dead bird. One of the dogs ripped off the head. They start fighting over the bird’s head. It’s my chance.

While they are fighting over the bird’s head, I can run. I climb down the other side of the tree. I run for my life. Ten seconds later they chase me. I find a log. I dive in. They can’t get in. I see some people. They are hunters. I yell out to them. “Help me!!! I’ve been chased by wild dogs!!!”

The wild dogs chase the hunters. The hunters get ammo for their guns. They use the needle bullets that make you fall asleep. They shoot the dogs. I come out of the log to thank them.

 The nightmare is over!!!!!!!

We go home and I tell them my street and my number. They find my parents.

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