Game Test

Mr. Weirsma

I would like to nominate my school caretaker, Mr Weirsma for the Good Sort Award.
My name is Fraser and I’m a year six student at Ilam school in Christchurch.
I told my class and my principal about this idea and everyone thought that he really deserves to be noticed for all his kindness and work for people at our school.  He does so much more than his job.
He helps kids a lot and he even helps the teachers! He is so popular at our school that some kids think that he is the principal!!
He has built lots of scooter stands for us.  He made some cool stilts that we use every day. Last year he made a special arena for our beyblades to battle on. Recently he made a hut with Room 7 for us to play in.  He does gardening with Room 18 and keeps our school so tidy that we have won lots of awards for our beautiful school grounds.  He is so friendly and kind. He even helps some families outside of school time.  In the winter he comes to school at 5am to start the heating for our classrooms!  He was even at our school when the September earthquake hit at 4:30 in the morning!!
Want to know more?  Well you will just have to come and meet him.  He is the sort of person who just keeps on giving and does it quietly in the background.
PS. I also thought that the best way to persuade you to come and see him would be to make a video.
So my class made this video today – the last day of term – please watch it on youtube.

We are all very sad at Ilam school because Mr. Weirsma is leaving us to go and live in Australia.

Last year his son died of cancer and he is going to Australia to be closer to his family.
He is leaving in three weeks. We will miss him.

Please come soon because he really deserves this award.
Really really really

By Fraser, Andrew, All of Room 4 and the 470 children at our school.

Crystal Geodes

The Professor
Crystal Geodes

Crystal Geodes are formed deep under the earths crust. By lava bubbles forming and then cooling quickly. Thus forming a hollow rock. Over millions of years later. With the different temperatures and air pressures. The hollow rock soon forms amethyst crystals. Or quartz and rose quartz crystals. The rock is carried nearer the surface by lava currents. To be found by miners and cracked open to see mysterious treasures inside. After the outer shell protecting the inside crystals are actually much stronger than the outer shell!                                                               


What did you think of this performance?
Which bits did you like?
Which instruments would you like to have a go at?


The Professor

Got ideas about science and the natural world?

Ever wonder about how things work?

Are you curious about rocks and crystals?

Want to do experiments and test things for yourself?

Do you have questions and answers to be discovered?

Follow my blog postings and find out more...

Riding a Bike

 I am scared and afraid at the same time because I am going to ride my bike. But   my mum is going to help me. First my mum gave me some instructions. Second I put on my helmet, I hopped on to my bike then my mum said to pedal faster. So I started pedaling faster but I didn't  pedal fast enough because my legs are turning into jelly. My bike is wobbling because my arms are not strong enough, not focusing and my body is shaking. But, my mum is running with me. Her job is to make sure I keep on pedaling. While I kept on pedaling I saw that I was riding straight to the park. I entered the park and went on the footpath.  I can hear the concrete under the wheels of my bike and my mum is right behind me. I felt like I was alone riding to the park. While I was pedaling I started to wobble.  I tried to stop wobbling but I couldn't help it. I was about to go to the field when I fell off. Luckily for me I pulled the handlebars to the middle. Finally I stopped my bike. My mum was impressed I felt a little bad. My mum told me that it was over and I was pleased that it was over riding a bike is scary.

 By Samson  

Wild Dogs

Wild dogs are chasing me like mad. It’s like they’re on a rampage with they’re red eyes and growling teeth. They are barking loudly. I run behind a tree and climb it sneakily. They can smell me. I’m scared. I wish I knew how to make a signal with a rubber and a pencil? It’s getting dark. I cried, “Someone please help me.”

(Twelve hours later) It’s getting lighter. They are still there. I can see their ugly yellow teeth. Their teeth are so sharp it is like their teeth are made out of nails. I see the dogs dribbling on a dead bird. One of the dogs ripped off the head. They start fighting over the bird’s head. It’s my chance.

While they are fighting over the bird’s head, I can run. I climb down the other side of the tree. I run for my life. Ten seconds later they chase me. I find a log. I dive in. They can’t get in. I see some people. They are hunters. I yell out to them. “Help me!!! I’ve been chased by wild dogs!!!”

The wild dogs chase the hunters. The hunters get ammo for their guns. They use the needle bullets that make you fall asleep. They shoot the dogs. I come out of the log to thank them.

 The nightmare is over!!!!!!!

We go home and I tell them my street and my number. They find my parents.



I am looking for my mum.  People are talking and laughing.  I am scared, but I have to be brave. I stand and look, but I can’t see her. So I start to walk. I shout, “ mum mum!!”There is  no reply so I go to a women and say in a small voice, “hi I have lost my mum. Can you please help me find her?”
 She said, “yes where do you think she is?”
I said, “I don’t know.”  So we went to the front of the shop and I got some help.
They asked me, “what's your phone number?”
 I reply but when they call it came to the answers phone.  So we wait, and wait, but we can’t see my mum.  So we call on the speaker but still no answer I’m scared. I’m terrifiedMum where are you?

To be continued…

My First Sea Trout

I made this blog posting by... I made this book by using the Ipad i got the idea from actually catching my first sea trout. This is my first internet book so if its not good tell me :)

Adventure Movie

When you add your blog information Make a comment - finish the sentence This is.... I made this blog posting by...


The Green Fighter

What he does he fight animals and aliens.

What he eats he eats animals meat and cows milk.

Where he lives: in a massive cave.

Where he sleeps: under ground.

When he goes to sleep he sleeps in the morning.

When you add your blog information Make a comment - finish the sentence This is.... I made this blog posting by...



When you add your blog information Make a comment - finish the sentence This is.... I made this blog posting by...


Monster Name...Ninja

What it does....crawls around the city and goes into buildings at night when nobody is there except ghosts.

How it lives...if feeds on ghosts at night.  That's why we don't see any ghosts at night.
Where it sleeps in a big cave under a mountain far away from the city. At night it gets to the city by underground tunnels that have been there for millions of years.  His ancestors made them.
What it likes to do in its spare time...jump around and test out his NINJA skills on a dummy.

Rugby Mosaic

I tried the mosaic web site and made these mosaics
This is just a random pattern.

Can you guess what this one shows?
What do you think?

Death Slug

My monster is one of the weirdest monsters you’ll ever see. He has sharp spikes on his back that he can shoot out to spear his victims. He sprays green gooey goo out of his mouth to stick his prey to the ground. This is how he caches his food. He shoots out the green gooey goo - out of his mouth and catches the victim. And the victim is you! dun dun dun!!!


To Do List

Today we need to work together to create a cool background picture for our blog


Everyone needs to design and draw a Wicked Monster to post up for their first blog posting.

The monster needs:
a name
and a short description to say what it does
does it have any special powers?


This is your blog

This is a space where you can share your thinking and ideas in a fun way

The sorts of topics and ideas that you can share are only limited by your imagination

Here's a list of starter ideas to get you going.

Jokes, Funny Stories, Reports, Photos and Captions, Interesting places, Journeys
Wicked Words, Cartoons, Comics, Videos, Time-lapse stories, Puppet Pals Stories

Topic Ideas - Fact or Fake - The Professor - Science Weekly - True Stories - Monsters


Prestons first attempt at a comic

What have you discovered about how to write the dialoge and narration?